Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pain free!

Finally, I actually felt great running tonight! Only 3 miles, but I felt so stellar I kicked it up to 3.5! (and considering I think the treadmill is a liar that was probably a wise choice) No back, knee or arch pain to speak of, perhaps my body is finally settling in to training again! I do however need to do a better job of hydrating, I barely drank one bottle today, yikes, no good! I also did one mile with the treadmill elevated......this is hilarious to me because I'm trying to convince myself that if I do that it will be like I'm training on hills...............deep inside I know this is a HUGE lie, but I'm going to keep believin'

So this weekend it's supposed to be like 2, maybe even colder than 2 - I can't decide if I should try to brave the cold or not. I think running outside is best for training and good for my head (also I get to use my awesome Garmin, thank-you Santa *wink*), and I don't want to miss it if I don't have to, but that's pretty darn cold.....at least I have a few days to mull it over.

On the other hand the Packers won't have an option to play indoors on Sunday, perhaps this is a sign........

1 comment:

Eric Olsen said...

Yeah, I feel like the treadmill always shortchanges me. 'cause how do they know how big my strides are? they just assume! and wrongly!

SO, I just multiply the calories they tell me I burned by 4 and stop by arby's on the way home to make up for it.