Saturday, January 19, 2008

I do love protein

Sooooo I took Thursday and Friday off - technically I was only supposed to take Friday but I'm on an undefeated broomball team on Thursday nights and I'm the goalie who yells the whole time - they couldn't possibly survive without me. If you're curious we did win, one more game until we are the coveted season winners - BOO YA! Then of course in celebration we hit of Uberstein, always a good - er bad choice. Needless to say I was a tad tired on Friday......

Last night Dave took me to Brazzaz for my birthday (yea me)! It was very nice and I honestly think I may have eaten the eqivalent of a small horse. I'm not joking, the meat just kept coming, and it looked so good.....if you know me, you know the one thing I'm not, is shy about eating ridiculous amounts of food. But I may have taken the cake last night - I would be willing to bet it's the most I ever ate in one sitting, and I'm not sorry, infact, I think I'm awesome :)

Remember how I said maybe I would be as sweet as the Packers and run outside on Sat, hahahahaha what a jokester I am! It's not cold, it's effing cold, and since I value all 10 fingers and toes I wisely opted for the gym. I even made it there before lunch. I did my long run today instead of Sunday because let's face it, after tonights bar party celebrating my birthday, I just might not be able to run tomorrow. But lucky for me, this week went back down to only 6 miles. I felt ok for the treadmill, but I do wish it had been about 20 degrees warmer so I could have hit the pavement.

I hit up itunes this morning for some new running grooves and I'm disappointed, furiated infact, couldn't find "Murder on the Dancefloor" anywhere. This tune ROCKS, itunes is missing out, and I'm annoyed - boo on you itunes!

So tonight's my party, I wisely picked a bar right across the street from La Bamba, becuase let's face it, who doesn't want a birthday burrito.........told you I could eat!

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