Monday, January 28, 2008

Back at it!

Soooooooooo I took a little break, and by little I mean I just didn't do three of my runs!!! (insert shocked face here) First it was work, then broomball, then I got home on Sunday and frankly I just didn't want to leave the I didn't.

I did run on Saturday at home in Appleton though and boy was it interesting......I woke up to snow, and not just a little snow, like inches of accumulation. At 7am they had plowed. When I woke again at 10 to actaully go out and run there was another inch of accumulation on the ground....gee thanks. After an extremely draining day on Friday and having skipped runs I knew I had to go out there no matter what. I had planned to do my long 11 miles, BUT given the ridiculous conditions I opted for 6 instead. Although it was weird, it was one of the more enjoyable runs I've had. There was snow everywhere, drivers were looking at my like I had gotten a good dose of crazy for breakfast and the occasional snowblower would nod and smile. I'm not going to lie, I was grateful to the people who actually shoveled their walks. I almost took a spill once ever 10 min, but I think it was worth it, and frankly it made me feel pretty bad ass, I literally saw NO ONE ELSE running, walking a dog, playing in the snow....nothing.....I rule!

So this week I need to get back on the horse if I'm really serious about doing the flying pig (which I'm still not signed up for) opps! Smoothstephy has graciously offered her residence in Oxford for a crash pad for Dave and I, so if I can get back on track this week I think I will be fine.

After a frustrating day at work I thought I'd work it out at spinning. I'm always amazed at how utterly out of shape I am when it comes to anything but running. Spin class is an hour, 10 min in I was ready to get off the bike and feign an injury, or maybe even asthma. I somehow made it through, although I don't think I'll be back to this instructor, I need someone literally yelling at me for an hour to make spinning worthwhile, half the time this guy was just allowing us to "do what you want", well if I was doing what I wanted it would involve a huge bag of chips and an indentation in my couch cushions, so please yell at me so I can be minorly motivated to pedal on this bike going no where for an hour.

Another long week lies ahead.....

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