Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thank you traffic.....

It has been an all around CRAPTASTIC week of commuting, there are not even Cubs games and cars are showing up out of no where and getting in my way! Also, since when did everyone forget how to drive in the rain......we've been driving in snow and ice and crap for 4 months, a little rain never hurt no one!


Got 8 miles in yesterday on the treadmill and with the success of my Monday run I did 4 miles at my normal 8:30 pace and then continually upped it until I ran my last half at mile around a 7 min pace. Felt ok, the calfs were burnin' a bit, but the good burn. I planned on a 5 tonight, but since I didn't get home until 7.....see above.....I canned it. It can wait until tomorrow.

I am not however excited for the weather this weekend. I have my 20, which I totally am ready to tackle.....just not in 40 degrees and snowing. MOTHER NATURE WHY DO YOU HATE ME!? I'm heading up to WI on Sat for wedding stuff with the Mama and I think the forecast in WI is better on Sun than it's going to be in Chi-town, perhaps I'll get crazy and run it in A-town. The thing is I really don't want to carry water on my 20, it's such a pain and Chicago wouldn't require that, we'll see what happens.

Hurray for the new Office tonight, Friday tomorrow and my first whole box packed for the move!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Yay!! Another Cheesehead living in Chicago! Nothing feels better than sporting some Packer gear on a lazy Chicago Sundy :) Your "craptastic" week sound pretty fantastic to me! Wish I could run a sub-8:00 mile! Shoot...right now I wish I could run a sub-10 min mile :p Have fun in WI!