Saturday, April 12, 2008

Is that snow?

Halfway into my drive up to WI steady rain turned into....sludgy muck, then sleet, then I started to see cars with all out SNOW on them, like real snow on the top of the car. I almost turned my car around and said screw it.

I've actaully had a stellarly productive day, met a fantastic photographer, tried on dresses (so fun!), hit up the mall and found a new suit, who knew you could get so much done if you actually get up before 11 on Saturday!

I'm not looking forward to my 20 tomorrow, mainly because it will probably be raining. I swear, if it rains in Cincy for the marathon Mother Nature and I will never talk again...

Off to load up on water.....had a few too many margaritas...thanks mom and dad....

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