Monday, April 21, 2008

Taper is the life!

The race is getting so close I can feel it....although I can also feel the bajillion boxes sitting in my apt waiting to be moved on Sat - can't wait! Less than 2 weeks til the Pig, and I feel more ready than ever!

Last week was a smooth 5-6-5 week, nothing too terribly exciting, although I've been running considerably faster than normal. And when I say normal I think I really mean than I used to. I have a sneaking suspicion that I've been cheating myself by thinking I can't run faster.......perhaps running 2 marathons in one year does have payoffs!

Saturday I thought about running, I also thought about packing, then Dave kicked my butt into gear and forced me to pack. This ended up being a great option as Sunday brought sunshine to the lakefront! I set out for an interesting 12 miler......

Around 3.5 miles I was still keeping a steady pace at about 7:40 (have I mentioned I think perhaps my Garmin is now lying to me, I just can't believe this) that's when the first "event" happened. As I cruised around the curve I saw a man pushing what appeared to be a woman in a contraption similar to a wheelchair. But on closer inspection it was not a woman at was a really. Then at about 9 miles, I had dropped to about an 8:20ish pace at this point, I saw the "crazy old cat lady" weird clothes, huge old sunglasses and the biggest bag ever with yes, you guessed it, a cat sticking out of it. Then to cap off a great run (under BQ time!) as I'm walking it off and heading to the apt a man and women put their small dog down and the poor thing is dyed PINK!!!!!!! That's the glory of the big just never know what you're going to get.....

It's a pretty easy week. I'm not even sure what I will do with myself!! I'm getting pretty excited but I'm trying to keep it in perspective. Cincy is not a flat course, I train on relatively flat terrain, there is a chance this could be my worst marathon showing yet - although I think it's doubtful, but I'd hate to go in expecting another PR. I won't lie though, I tracked Boston runners today....and I was jealous......someday.....

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